Content Development
A publishing business essential and integral part is content development.

From research, writing, reviews, revisions, and sourcing assets and rights; to develop content is to bring turn an abstract idea into reality whereby it becomes production-ready into a form of a manuscript if given right attentiveness and fervor.
For an educational product to be successful not only is the quality of the content an indispensable target to achieve, but it should also ensure tangible positive outcomes from both the learner and the teaching staff.
Our content producers from the academics and textbook publishing segment develop core text materials, supplemental learning tools, and holistic assessment programs. In the educational value chain, textbook publishers and educational content producers hold not only an important place but are imperative to its growth; we deliver to them through multiple delivery channels so that it reaches the users effectively. We have the expertise and specialise in PreK-12, Higher Ed and ELT content development.
We offer:
- New editions
- Versions and adaptations
- Teacher support material
- eLerning/animation/Graphics/Arts
- Commissioning
- Curriculum mapping
- Customisations
Our Benefits